Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Eve with the fam!

So like most everyone the kids each get a pair of PJ that they open Christmas eve. They are hidden in their stockings and then Kevin makes then magically appear. The kids love it...

Paige is in a big Dora stage she eats, drinks, and sleeps Dora. So you better believe we had to find Dora pajamas.

Braydin got Mario pajama bottoms, they are a little long but he was thrilled about them.

Last but not least little Regan got Iron man, this boy loves to be in pajamas he would wear them to school if I let him. As soon as he gets home he takes his pants off and slip into something more comfortable.

It was a harder then usual Christmas for me, every year being away from the family is a little harder but as long as I have these three and the big man (Kevin) I know that things are OK. I know this wont make sense to anyone but my little family but I'm sorry for not being myself and I love each of you and am thankful that we are an eternal family!


Janae' said...

I am sorry Lindsee, I felt so bad for you today. I wanted to steal you away and fly you to Utah!! But of course I can't.. I feel for you as I miss my family so much at this time of year too.. I think we need to have your Mama Mia Party and let loose.. Or did you already and forgot to invite me..?? LOL..

Veda said...

I am sorry you were a bit homesick! Plus, I was gone I know that added to your heartache. :)
Miss you!

Amy said...

love the pics of the kids and the PJS...hey are we going to Chickfil-a today? I know Parker family is out of town, but thought I would check anyways? 11am..right?

Erickson Family said...

Hey I am glad you guys had a good
Christmas. Hope you have a great 2009 too.

Martindale News said...

It looks like you had a nice Christmas. I know it is hard to be away from family. I can tell you that it does get a little easier. We all love you!

The Giffords said...

What fun! You have a great family. Miss you guys! When are you coming to visit!!