So yes I know that I already did a post about my little sleeping beauty but when we saw this we had to post again... Kevin put her at the table sit while we got every ones plates ready and in the 5 minutes she was there she had fallen asleep. She is so dang sweet, and I know most of you have never seen her in a non-mobile position so here she is.
So this is why I am excited for the 8:30 church!
That's how I'll look at 8:30 in the morning and I HAVE to teach a primary class.
We have 8:30 am church and I hate it. We never change because we are the only ward in our building. I want to sleep in!!!!!!! :) Glad it works for you guys though. And I do love my afternoon naps so I guess it isn't all bad.
Thanks for everything Lindsee. I could never put into words how much I appreciate all of your hard work and friendship!
what a cutie. I couldn't how quite Sacrament Meeting was, it wasn't during kids nap time. I like the new time
I HATE THE NEW TIME!!!! Sorry just had to say it, but really I do hate it. :)
I like early meetings. Neely and I both had a Sunday nap...and she was a MUCH happier baby at dinner. AHHHH...much nicer! Hope you guys are doing well!!
Look at my sweet baby girl!!!
Love you guys
So cute. That's how I feel too!!
Cute little stink! What are you having surgery for? Keep me posted!
She looks so sweet! I miss you guys! Try having 3-6 church and getting home when it is dark! Fun times!!! :)
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