I thought that I would share with you what a great man I have married. Last night when he got home from scouts
Braydin ran in the house with these amazing flowers. As all of you know Valentines Day is Saturday so they where a few days early. I asked Kevin why he gave them to me early and he said "because you are having surgery Tuesday I wanted you to be able to enjoy them longer before you are in bed for a while." I thought that he was so sweet, I really did marry the best man ever...
Now so you do know that he
isn't perfect I thought I would tell you what
Braydin told me.
When he ran into the house and gave me the flowers he said "Dad wanted me to lie to you and tell you that they came from the flower shop but they came from Kroger." I laughed all night, then he also said to his dad "Sorry about what happened dad but that he had to tell me the truth
I'm his mom and he cant lie to me!"
So as you can see I have alot of good men in my life!
Cute! Let me know if i can help out while your recovering :)
Jesse just flat out tells me that he gets my flowers at Kroger, or from the neighbors flower beds, lol.
They are very pretty!!!!
A flower is a flower no matter where it comes from!!! What a nice guy or should I say "guys" you have in your family. HApPy VaLenTiNeS DaY!!!! Good luck with your surgery too.
ha. that sounds just like Kevin! That is so thoughtful of him. I hope your surgery goes well. Let me know if you need anything. And to answer your question I'm not a psychic so I cant really predict when in the future.. but you just never know! :-))
surgery!? What is going on? I will keep you in my prayers..wish I lived closer so I could really help you out.
It's the thought that counts right?!!! What is this surgery you are having?? I hope all is well. Miss you guys!!!
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