Tuesday, November 4, 2008

1-2-3 STRIKES your OUT

For fall ball Braydin was able to finally play kid pitch. He loved it, he learned so much in this last month of baseball. He is really getting to love not only playing sports but watching them.

He was in the outfield, there wasn't alot of action there but it was a good spot for him to learn at.

He had I thought the best coaches, the team took 2nd place he was a Cardinal. Some of the players on his team were from his school. This was a good experience for him. This spring we will have both Braydin and Regan playing. Regan will have to do machine pitch but non the less he is excited...


Jamie said...

How fun! Braydin and Regan look like they have a blast playing their sports! I can't wait to get little Korbin going!!

Veda said...

It's so much fun to watch your little ones playing sports! I hope Braydin and Regan will continue to enjoy playing sports!