Monday, October 26, 2009

Conversation with Regan

I thought I would share my conversation with Regan today before school:

Regan: Mom I know the "F" word the "D" word and the "S" word.

Mom: Oh really well Regan what are these word (I was so scared for what I was about to hear, and I also was going to have to find out who is talking around my kids?)

Regan: Well the "D" word is dang, the "S" word is stupid and the "F" word is fat. Those are all bad words that we don't say, right mom.

Mom: With a big smile on my face I agreed, those where the three words that I thought he was going to say.

So remember when you are in my home please do not use these three words or the other three words that you where all thinking!!! :)


Carol said...

Well I want to know where he learned those #@*% words!!! :)

R Fitz said...

Love it! Your kids sound like such cuties. It's been fun catching up with you a bit on here and facebook.

Our Happy Family said...

Tell Keving to clean up his potty mouth...what is he teaching to his sweet children????

Our Happy Family said...

hehehe I just noticed i said Keving, lol

Anonymous said...

So funny!