Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family Home Evening Fun

Tonight we decided to carve pumpkins as a family. We went to the Internet to find some help and we found carving for dummies.....

The kids love this time of the year. Regan found his pumpkin on his field trip and Braydin and Paige got their's from the pumpkin patch of Wal-Mart...

Kevin got the tops of them taken off and then its was off to work for the kids, a little digging and scrapping is all it took..

even Paige got her hand dirty..

They each got to choose a design and then we went a carving!

Braydin made a Frankenstein face, he thought it was way cool

sorry for this is such a bad picture but Regan made a scary face that he loved.
Paige got a spider for her pumpkin, all eight legs made it through the great carve!
Here are all the Pumpkins lit and ready to go for Halloween!!!


Veda said...

These are fantastic! Y'all did a great job.

Erickson Family said...

Now those are much more talented pumpkins then we carve at our house. We are all about the smiley face with the circle eyes. Good Job!!! Happy Halloween

Jana Banana E. said...

Those are some pretty dang awesome pumkins - I'm impressed! They turned out SWEET! Gary has no comment! I had to ask him? LOL! Love ya

Jamie said...

Your pumpkins look awesome! I wish we could have all been together carving! We will have to make that a future plan for sure!!

Anonymous said...

love the pumpkins!!! Alysa now thinks we need to do ours!!!!
Love ya

Mark, Eko and Leoniss Burroughs said...

hey lindsy, this is leo, karla's sister. The kids are huge, I can't believe how much they have grown since I last saw them. When are you coming back to utah to visit.

Maggs said...

your pumpkins turned out awesome! we did the same thing last night...good FHE activity eh?

Rod and Jess said...

Cute blog! I am an official "blog hacker!" We just started one a couple of weeks ago, so I have to steal everyone's addresses off of the other ones! Cute pumpkins - I love that your little Paige looks like so much mischief! We miss you guys!

Sue said...

Way cool guys! I love the pumpkins. We need to get ours carved because they are setting on the porch all plain and icky. We got to step it up so we are as cool as the Shipp's!

Amy said...

very cute! great job guys....

C and T Orvin said...

You have some talented children! So I guess the trick is to carve pumpkins outside! Maybe that is how you keep the mess from being strolled all over the house! I should try that next time. Assuming that we don't start at 8:30pm!