7 Things I can do:
1-I dont know if I can.... but I love to cook.
2-I can play games. I might not always win but I'm always in the mood to play.
3-I can talk to anyone about most anything.
4-I can handle three children (8,5,2) for a week along when Kevin is out of town.
5-I can take a long nap with my sweet little girl in the afternoons.
6-I can cry with anyone who needs a friend to cry with.
7-I can make anyone feel welcome in my home, well..... at least I try to.
7 Thing I cannot do:
1-I CANNOT lead the music in primary!
2-I cannot ride scary rides.
3-I cannot sing, but I will say... it doesn't stop me from trying.
4-I cannot go a day without talking to my wonderful mother.
5-I cannot fly without wanting to cry. (I hate to fly)
6-I cannot go a day without watching the news.
7-I can not just eat one McDonald's french fry. But really... I have never tried!
7 Things that attracted me to Kevin:
1-First of all there was nothing that attracted me to him, except for the fact that I had to give him one pitty date...(lucky it only took that one date!)
2-His brown eyes
3-The fact he thought and still thinks to this day that I am perfect!!
4-The way he wanted to take care of me from day one.
5-The way he made himself at home with the Eckles family. ( It takes a special kind of person to keep up with them)
6-He always lets me have my way!
7-The fact that I still to this day get butterflies when I know he is on his way home.
7 Things I say most often:
2-what ever
3-I love you
4-It's not a Wii day
5-any homework
6-wheres the party? and why wasn't I invited?
7-Braydin Scott
Regan Clark
Paige Alane
7 Celebrity Admiration's:
1-Gordon B Hinckley
2-Any soldier that is defending our freedoms. Known or unknown they are my hero's..
3-Jennifer Anniston
4-Simon Cowell
5-Steve Young
6-Dr. Mcdreamy (Patrick Dempsey)
7-Tony Shalhoub
7 Favorite Foods (in no particular order)
2-Anything from the Olive Garden
6-Chicken Noodle Soup
7-Cheese Cake
7 People I tag:
4-Amy Knight
7-Amy T
Cute that was fun to read
Fun things to know about you! Thanks for coming over for dinner. We enjoy your family!
Linds! This was a cute tag...i highly enjoyed it. you'll have to check out my blog to see my answers.
No, were not dead lol. Things have just been CRAZY! We are hopefully getting our OWN computer within a week or two. Jacob FINALLY got his grants and loans worked out. So, I will be able to update my blog more. I have been trying to get a job at Fidelity. I had an interview with them for one job but the hours and everything werent for me. So I'm meeting the HR person tomorrow to get this job that I really want and need. Please pray that i get it. I really hate not being able to come to church. I hate being so disconnected from everyone. We have still been reading our scriptures and praying and other spritual things. Its just hard. I miss you. hope all is well. btw.. I'm going to post your tag asap. take care.
Holy Smokes your fast! I took me several days to figure out I'd been tagged. Thanks for playing along!
OK...how lame am I? You did that on the 5th...DUH...I'll catch up someday....promise! Love Ya!
What am I? Crap to u? You didn't think to tag me!!! Anyhoo...thanx for the outfit! We got it today...way cute! It is a little big...maybe a 2 year in a row costume!!! :)Thanx a bunch! When r you coming to Utah again? Might be the next time I see ya! Unless you wanna rob a bank with me! :)
PLus...may I add.,.,.we all know who my most adored celebrity is...JR
I mean really...who doesn't just adore her!
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