August 7, 2006 was one of the greatest days of our lives. Paige Alane Shipp came into this world weighing in at 6 lbs 11 oz 19 inches long. We had never had such a small bundle of joy in our home.

As you can see after having 2 boys there was no time to wait we had to start dolling her up. She was so small and sweet.

It didn't take long before she was off, and she has never looked back. She is still going to this day.
I would always tell her she was as cute as a bugs ear. What a fitting costume for her.
Like I said before she does not stop, once she learned to walk she ran and still is running. She loves to be with her big brothers she thinks they are great. they have taught her everything she knows!!!
She loves to swing, jump, swim, anything she can to keep moving.

There was no question about it Paige was made just for our family. She has brought so much love and laughter to our home. She has made our family complete. There isn't a day go by no matter how ruff it was that I don't thank my Heavenly Father for the three greatest joy in my life. I am a mother and that is the greatest calling I have ever had!
How time flies by. It doesn't seem that long ago and Jesse and I was at your house watching the boys. Waiting and waiting for that phone call from Kevin to say that Paige was here.
i have to agree that being a mother is the best thing ever! but...i believe paige is much cuter than a bug's ear. Love the post--she is darling!
She was so cute today. She ran into the foyer today and gave me a big hug and just held on. It was very sweet. Welcome Back!
Great post about Paigie! She was a cutie patootie baby! I miss coming over to feed her on Wed! Those were good times. Hey Bestest Friend! Ready for a new blog? Love to help...let me see what I can do...Tiffy
Alright I did a little swith a roo...see if you like it. If not check out
They have so many to choose from...luv ya - Tiffy
Hey...email me your family picture and I will update your title bar for you...I just need a normal version of it.
So you like the new layout...nothings permanent...so let me know if you want something else. I was trying to find something hip that had purple for you. They are super easy to change - Tiffy
Hey - do you have the lady bug halloween costume still? I remember wanting that soooo bad! It was dang cute!!!
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