This was one of the greatest days a parent can have. Seeing Braydin make the choice to be baptized was quite a feeling.
Grandpa Eckles baptized him, while grandpa Shipp confirmed him.
What an example Braydin is to his family. We are so proud of you Braydin.
As parents we are excited for the young man he is becoming
We had so many family and friend who came to show Braydin how much they love him
Once again Thank You for being as example to your family Braydin! We love you
Congratulations Braydin! Wish we could have been there. We miss you already and are quite jealous you are there in Utah and we are here in Arkansas! Have fun!
Good Job Braydin!!
Yeah for Braydin!!!!!!!!! Come back Shipp's so we can get together and play games. Tell your family hi and tell them they need to come down here and play games with all of us.
Congrats to Braydin! We are proud of his choice to do what the Lord wants. I hope you guys have a blast in Utah, of course you will!! Keep in touch!!
congrats braydin! I'm Lovin' the hair lindsee. :-)
Holy Shmoly!!! Braydin is already eight! Congrats on your baptism. Lindsee, I was excited to see your comment on Melissa's blog so now I get to follow up on your little family!! I am adding you to my friends I hope you don't mind (you are still my friend!!) If you are here in Utah still...come visit, we'd love to see you!
We were so happy to be there for Braydin's special day! We loved every second at Grandma Ada's!!! Thanks for sharing your family with us...they are the best! We will have to add them to our visiting list when we come to Utah! I will visit Kev while I'm in Ar and let you know how he is...Tiff
Hey Lindsey, I don't know if you remember me but I am Lisa West My husband told me to say Hi, I found your blog on Mandi's blog. I see you are still living out there we actually just moved back from North Carolina, and we loved it. Well everyone but Scott he is a Utah boy all the way through. Anyways just thought we would say Hello you can check out our blog at
Linds! It was so fun to see you guys today and hang out. Your kids are adorable--I can't believe how grown up they are! I'm adding you to my blog and I hope we can keep in touch better than we have been.
It was good talking to you today. Glad you all are having fun. We miss all of you.
Waiting to hear more from you in Utah! Tell Kevo hello - Tiff
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