This was Braydins last day of school. they had a Luau. They had so much fun.
They had relays for them. They had to find toys in the sand.
They got all kinds of fun things. They had sun glasses, flower layes.
They gave out awards, this is for Braydins reading.
This award was for getting 100 in math all year.
This is Mrs Decker she was such a gem of a teacher this year. Braydin learned so much in her class..Thank you Mrs. Decker....
You think Braydin is going to be tall????? He was the tallest kid in all of the pictures.
Does look like a fun party. Hey, now thats an idea for me for a ward party!!!! lol
How Cute!!! I miss teaching him. He is a great kid.
FINALLY!!! The fence is finished!!! Can't wait to see it this summer...Kevin and I will have to do dinner since you and Casey won't be there!:( Who is going to cook it for us???...Chilis I guess! :) Congrats to Braydin for the Math accomplishment! Have a great time in Dallas! Can't wait to see the pics! Paige is a cutie patootie!!! I guess I need to make 2 bows for each color...she wears piggy tails alot eh?- Tiff
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