Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas photo ops!!!!

How can you not just love Christmas card pictures.... Oh what pain it was!

Paige and Regan were abe to sit on Santa's lap. For some reason Braydin opted out this year! It could be because he is bigger then Santa!!!!

This is the funnest time of the year! Yes there is stress and there is shopping to be done, but the spirit of this season lives in our home. Paige's class said it best when they sang tonight "Happy Birthday Jesus"

Monday, December 12, 2011

Things you have missed in the last few months!!!!

It has been forever, but here goes! This past 6 months have been really great for our family. This past summer as we were in Utah Regan was able to be baptised. It was an amazing night with a wonderful support group for him.

This past October Kevin and I went to a couples night and learned how to cook some AMAZING food, by the best chef ever!!!!

This is Robert Hall, he is such a great guy. He is our High Council men, and is one that you get excited for when you see he gets to talk to you...

Our wonderful Salad that we made...

This dinner was so good and so easy to make, but tasted like it had cook for hours!

You would want to DIE if you tasted this Carmel... I didn't need anything else but the Carmel!


This is my sexy man, maybe!

We took the kids to see Tusk (Arkansas mascot) at the tail gating party in Little Rock.

So as you can see we have been busy, my camera hasn't been very good so I missed a lot of photo ops. The boys both played football and baseball. We had as amazing trip to Utah, Paige turned 5. One of my goal for 2012 is to blog a lot more!