Monday, February 8, 2010

Another Snow Day In Arkansas

Well we got it again, more snow. This time there was no ice first which made life alot better. But as true to Arkansas as we can be school was and is cancelled for a couple of days.

So here we are making a snowman as a family. Regan decided that he loved making them and made like 10 all around the yard.

Kevin is cutting arms for our new dear friend...

I decided to be cool and put food coloring in the snow for eyes. Yes it did run just a little!!!

How do you know your a red neck????
Do I need to say more!

He tried to run when he saw the camera but what he didn't know is that I had been taking pictures for a while.

So to kind of give you a clue about the snow. When you look at the snowman pictures you see we used most of the snow on the grass. Well these pictures where taken about 2 hours later. There was no snow on the driveway at first, all of the sudden we couldn't find the driveway.

It was so much fun it reminded me of home for a minute.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Braydin's Bear advancement

Braydin got his advancement from a Bear. What a proud mom I am, he has come a long way. He has grown up to be a young man.

They had us do cheers in teams, so this is the group that Regan was in. Sister Brock makes these nights amazing for our boys.

This is Blake and Braydin getting patches...

Here we are with our young man, he was pinning me shirt with his Bear pin.

Like I said he is a sweet boy. I couldn't be prouder of any of my children!