Monday, January 26, 2009

A Great Saturday Night

Saturday night was a fun night for us. Kevin had decided that he would get tickets to the Monster Trucks for him and the boys, and that left Paige and I with a girls night. Oh what fun this could be.

Kevin picked up pit passes for before the show, so they were able to go down on the floor and see all the Monster Trucks.

These are the cars that they jump over during the show

So as for the Guys night out it was a big SUCCESS, can you say BOYS WILL BE BOYS!
Now as for the best part of the night, Paige and I got to hang out. I know you think "well hello you hang out with her all week alone what was so good about this night!" Well we had a blast, after her nap she hasn't really been feeling that great so she came and sat on my lap and let me love her for about 30 minutes. At what point we decided that we would go pick up a few things at the store, then went and got dinner. When we got home we decided to get in our PJ's and snuggle on the couch. We laughed, played baby dolls and had treats.. everything that you would want to do with a best friend. The way I see it is now she is my little best friend that wants to play dolls and house and in a few years it will be shopping and a movie.
Like I said before it was such a fun weekend with our little family. So to all those who read my blog take time out for the little things in life, have fun with your family let your kids know just how much they mean to you, these are the best days of our lives!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Paige's First Haircut

Today we decided it was time to get Paige her first Haircut. Every time we have brought it up to her she tells us "noa cuta my hair." But today was the day! I got her there and she would NOT sit in the chair, so I thought OK I will show her that it doesn't hurt while I get mine done. So she didn't take her eyes off the girl cutting my hair, and finally her hero her Daddy got there to save her. While I was getting done with my hair he let her sit on his lap and get her haircut. But not before he bribed her with dolls and candy. After they started she was fine and loved it

This is the final product, you cant see it real well but it looks good, we only had them take enough off so that it was all one length but what a difference it makes. So if you ask her about her pretty hair she will tell you she is a princess!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Regan's Parties!

Here are the picture that I took of Regan's Birthday. On Friday at school they had a Birthday Celebration. So all the kids with Birthdays that month got to bring treats in for the rest of the class and have a little celebration.. There where 2 kids for this month Zack and Regan.

This is Zack and Regan the two Birthday boys...

This is Zack, Regan, and Noah. I here about these boys all day everyday. Regan calls them his best friends, they sit at the same table in class.

Like I have said many other times, Paige thinks that she is the big kid. I was able to take her to the school with me, she loves being there.

On Sunday we had some friends come over and have cake and ice cream for Regan's Birthday. It has been so good for us to have such amazing friends that have become our family away from family.

This is Regan's Birthday cake he loves Bakugan so we decided instead of buying a cake that we would make one and get the Bakugans for the top of the cake.
This was such a fun weekend, Kevin took the boys to the movies on Saturday and then we have played the rest of the time. So as for now we are putting this Birthday away for another year.
We love you Regan and hope that you have many more GREAT Birthdays!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Let it SNOW!

It was so exciting to look out the window and see the pretty white stuff falling. You can see it really well in the pictures but I couldn't pass up the chance to take the picture!

You can see a few snowflakes on the chair here, its the little white stuff!!!!

I have been missing the snow so much this year so I'm glad we got to see it and maybe before the end of winter there will be enough for us to play in it! Probably not!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Regan

6 Years ago today was one of the greatest days that a mom could have, we brought a second little boy into this crazy world. He came fast and he came without warning, but nonetheless he came. The Doctors had told us to come in January 17 to be induced so we had plans for the 16th to get everything ready for our newest arrival.

The morning of the 16th I woke up at 6:00 am hurting, I told Kevin to call Labor and delivery and see what we should do. They told me to take a bath and try and stop the contractions and that they would probably be seeing me in a few hours. I did as I was told and got in the tub, I was in there for under 10 minutes and had 3 more contractions. I knew I was in trouble. I told Kevin to call his parents and get them there so they could be with Braydin. By the time that they got there I was outside walking around trying not to die in pain. I didn't even say Hi I got in the car and told Kevin to drive. Screaming to SPEED-UP or SLOW-DOWN!

By the time that we got to the hospital it was 7:30 am. I told them I didn't care what happened next but just give me the epidural. They said there was no time and that they could give me something to take the edge off. It was a wonderful drug, I was happy....

My sister walked in to the room at 8:00 am and the doctor had already finished delivering the baby and stitching me up, that was how fast Regan came into the world.

Here are some pictures of the Birthday boy that we wanted to share with everyone. We hope that you have enjoyed our little boy as much as we have...

We love you Regan Clark Shipp you have made our home so fun. You have put smiles on all of our faces and brought an amazing spirit along with you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ice Skating

The boys had a chance to go to a Ice Skating Birthday Party. Kevin made them go around the ring once before they could take off the skates, so he had to snap the pictures quick!

It made me laugh because when they got home Braydin said "mom it was so cold, I didn't think that it would be that cold." At that point I had to point out that it was ICE skating, and ICE being the key word. I'm not sure what he thought, I explained to him that if they heated the ICE skating rink then it would be called drowning! Needless to say he told us that he will not be doing that again Kids they just make you have to laugh!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Early Morning Church

This past year we have had the 1:00 pm church and it has been terrible.. Paige has nap time from 1-4:30 so this time just doesn't work. But we are so excited because this week we were able to start church at 8:30 am. I know that there are alot that aren't excited about this time but the thought of being home at 11:30 how cant you be!

So yes I know that I already did a post about my little sleeping beauty but when we saw this we had to post again... Kevin put her at the table sit while we got every ones plates ready and in the 5 minutes she was there she had fallen asleep. She is so dang sweet, and I know most of you have never seen her in a non-mobile position so here she is.
So this is why I am excited for the 8:30 church!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Eve with the fam!

So like most everyone the kids each get a pair of PJ that they open Christmas eve. They are hidden in their stockings and then Kevin makes then magically appear. The kids love it...

Paige is in a big Dora stage she eats, drinks, and sleeps Dora. So you better believe we had to find Dora pajamas.

Braydin got Mario pajama bottoms, they are a little long but he was thrilled about them.

Last but not least little Regan got Iron man, this boy loves to be in pajamas he would wear them to school if I let him. As soon as he gets home he takes his pants off and slip into something more comfortable.

It was a harder then usual Christmas for me, every year being away from the family is a little harder but as long as I have these three and the big man (Kevin) I know that things are OK. I know this wont make sense to anyone but my little family but I'm sorry for not being myself and I love each of you and am thankful that we are an eternal family!

Class Christmas Parties

Im sorry these pictures are so late but better late then never!

These are some of the pictures from the boys Christmas Parties at the school, lucky for me they were on the same day at the same time so I didn't have to go two different times...

Each of there teachers had them a stocking and then everyone in the class brought items to put in them.

As always they loved the party, they played BINGO and ate all afternoon. Once again I need to tell Ms. Moore and Ms. Ortiz how thankful we are for the example they have been for the boys, they have learned so much this year..